The NBG was born in 2015 from an idea of Professor Ennio del Giudice (University of Naples Federico II) to foster the interaction between basic and clinical researchers in the Neapolitan area and in Campania, interested in the study of physiology and pathologies of the nervous system.
The group wants to be an opportunity to meet, in an informal atmosphere, all fans of clinical and basic research in the field of Neuroscience who intend to improve mutual knowledge and, as far as possible, explore moments of fruitful collaboration with the purpose to create a cultural network among the Research centers and Universities located in Campania dedicated to the study of the physiology and pathology of the nervous system. The NBG is under the patronage of the University of Naples Federico II.
Recently the NBG has also established itself as a non-profit association with the aim of improving its cultural offer. The group is open to all those who are interested in the basic and translational themes of neuroscience and, in particular to young people from the different Universities and Research Institutes in Campania.
Until today the NBG held the following meetings:
- 1st Meeting on 04/06/2015 at the Department of Biotechnology, University of Naples Federico II.
- 2nd Meeting on 04/02/2016 at the Department of Biotechnology, University of Naples Federico II.
- 3rd Meeting on 28/04/2016 at Department of Biotechnology, University of Naples Federico II.
- 4th Meeting “Molecular, physiopathological and clinical mechanisms in neuroprotection of neonatal hypoxia”, on 09/06/2016 at the Department of Biotechnology, University of Naples Federico II.
- 5th Meeting on 15/12/2016 at CEINGE Naples.
- 6th Meeting on 14/12/2017 at Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples.
- 7th Meeting with ECM Course on “The diseases of the nervous system: pathogenetic bases and new therapeutic approaches”, 31/05/2018 at CESTEV, University of Naples Federico II.
- 8th Meeting on 13/12/2018, at CESTEV, University of Naples Federico II.
- 9th Meeting on 12/12/2019 organized jointly with Tigem, at Tigem (Pozzuoli).
- 10th Meeting on 15/12/2022 held at CESTEV, University of Naples Federico II.
- 11th Meeting on 30/11/2023 held at CESTEV, University of Naples Federico II
At those meetings, more than 200 participants, including basic researchers, doctors, doctoral students, post-docs, post-graduates, trainees and undergraduates from the universities and research institutes of Campania presented their results.
The group’s mailing list currently counts about 300 members.
The group has a dedicated web page (, a Facebook page ( and has been several times cited by the F2 Magazine UNINA: